Deutsche Beschreibung THE PROJECT

: D wie Düsseldorf

:D Düsseldorf taken to the Extremes

This is a multi stage puzzle. In order to collect all answers, you must visit a total of 9 points in the municipality of Düsseldorf. This comprises the extreme points in all directions (most Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern points), the highest "summit" and the lowest depression as well as the geographical and geometric centers. There is the possibility to research these points at home before travelling, but of course, this can be done "on the road".

There is no given route or specific order.
The average length of the route is about 100 km (60 miles), but of course depends on the actual route. You need a pen and a tape measure.

North: (Sum of all values * (S+W)) + 387
East: (Sum of all values *((O+W+GM)*2) + 372


Every geocache of the :D series contains a bonus code. Please write it down, you will need it in order to log the two bonus caches GC49RXJ and GC44Q3J!

Additionally you can track every bonus code at


There is no geocache to find at the listed coordinates. No cache which is part of the :D series requires to trespass rail tracks or highways. Caches located on private property have been placed there with explicit permit of the owner. If a riddle requires visiting third party websites or downloading additional files, we guarantee that at the time of publish, they don't contain any virus or harmful software.

725 Jahre Düsseldorf

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