Measure the jaw width of the wrench in the picture!
Solution wrench =

Measure the inner diameter of the concrete tube under the path here!
Solution tube =

How many signs could be placed at the right door post?
Solution signs =

Measure the outer diameter of the cart wheel!
Solution wheel =

How many chained black horses can you count along the road? Add 3.
Solution horses =

Beside the entrance there is a three-digit house number.
Solution house number =

Measure the diameter of the concrete lid!
Solution lid =

Measure the width of the mount of the house number!
Solution mount =

Next to a transformer house there is a word next to a letter with numbers. Form the letter word value of the word * 2 and subtract 30!
Solution transformer =

Measure the figure from the ground to the top!
Solution figure =

Measure the width of the trellised gate at the entrance!
Solution chapel =

On the opposite is a lantern, which two-digit white number does it show?
Solution lantern =

There is an old metal piece at the right side of the picture. Count the teeth of the smallest gear wheel!
Solution gear wheel =

On the left side of the image is a sign. How many screws does it have on the front? Subtract 2.
Solution private road =

Measure the outer diameter of the big bassinon the back side at the wall.
Solution fountain =

Besid the cross is a drinking water fountain. Measue the circumference of the road stand (without the gorge)! (in winter: diameter of the lid * 3)
Solution stand =

How many oles has the enclosure of the anchor?
Solution anchor =

Near me you find a stone landmark reading the name of a town. Measure the circumference of the stone.
Solution landmark =

How many vertical poles can you count in the balustrade of the "podest"?
Solution podest =

Beside the table there are several metering points on the wall. Measure from the ground to the first one appropriate "labeled"!
Solution metering point =